- LATE RACE FADE … You’re on pace but towards the end of the race, then you fade. You can’t hold the pace. You’ve tried different strategies (starting slower, etc.) but nothing works! (And you miss your goal time – sometimes the coveted BQ – yet again.)
- FUELED BUT STILL HITTING THE WALL … You know you are fueling correctly but no matter what you try, you still hit the wall. It can’t be nutrition. It must be something else.
- NO SPRING IN YOUR STRIDE. JUST THE DREADED SHUFFLE … Dead legs. You want to run faster late in your race but you just have no bounce, no power. Your legs are just flat and tired.
- DOWNHILL DAMAGE … You’d think running a downhill course like Boston would be super fast. Instead, you are toast by the top of Heartbreak Hill and never truly enjoy a fast finish along Boylston Street.
- CRAMPS! WHY ME?! … You do fine in training but for some reason, in a race, you cramp up. Why?! It’s heart-breaking to be fit and ready and get mysterious cramps that ruin your race.
If these sound familiar, don’t worry – we have the fix! We spent the last 5 years developing, testing, refining and retesting the Marathon Legs program and it is our mission to help you power to the finish line with a strong, powerful stride (and a big smile on your face).

In the past, runners ran mega miles to condition their legs but that’s not realistic for most of us. Marathon Legs solves the problem! You get bullet-proof legs without having to run mega miles.
What research and our own testing has found, however, is that if you do eccentric loading exercises in a smart, targeted and progressive way, you can actually make the muscles resistant to this muscle damage. That means that your legs aren’t damaged, tired and “dead” at the end of your races. You are now strong enough to handle your race pace for the entire race.
In this unique program, McMillan Coach Angela Tieri guides you through this runner-friendly, 12-week strengthening plan that targets the muscles that fatigue late in half-marathons, marathons, triathlons, and ultra/trail runs. You know the ones: the quads, hamstrings, calves, hips, and feet. Instead of shuffling to the finish line, imagine powering through those final miles.

Marathon Legs utilizes the concept of “eccentric loading.” An eccentric contraction is where the muscle is lengthening as it’s contracting. Think of lowering a dumbbell slowly. In running, there are a lot of eccentric contractions and with long (and particularly downhill) races, the muscles literally get torn apart due to the total stress on the muscle tissue. These micro-traumas are why you see marathoners hobbling around the day after the race. Their muscles are riddled with damage.
With Marathon Legs, you’ll perform two Marathon Legs routines per week. Each routine includes 6 exercises and the total routine takes less than 20 minutes. Across the 12-week program, Coach Angela provides new routines as your legs grow more durable. Best of all, NO GYM EQUIPMENT IS NECESSARY.
Marathon Legs Was Designed to Solve the 5 Most Common Challenges that Our Community of nearly 1 Million Runners from 6 Continents is dealing with in long races.
For less than the entry to a 5K, you can build the specific leg strength you need to handle your next half-marathon, marathon, triathlon, trail run or ultra.
Special Introductory Price of $49.95/year
Featuring the breakthrough strength training program to build durable, fatigue-resistant legs without having to run mega miles.
Finish Stronger with Marathon Legs
Special Introductory Price of $49.95/year
- After signing up, you’ll receive an email with the link to the Marathon Legs routines.
- Simply click the link and you’ll begin with Weeks 1 & 2 – the first group of Marathon Legs exercises.
- Each exercise has includes a video as well as the number of sets, repetitions/time.
- Each routine takes less than 20 minutes to complete and works to mobilize, activate and strengthen key running muscles that fatigue late in races. (You know you can invest 15 minutes, twice per week to improve your running!)
- Complete the first group of exercises then follow the sequence all the way to your race. Notice how you handle training better. Notice how you aren’t sore after long runs and workouts. Notice how you now have more power late in workouts and race.
- For the next 12 weeks, Coach Angela will progress your training load as you get stronger. You’ll love having a running-focused personal trainer guiding your workouts. How cool is that?!
- Each workout contains a mobility exercise to prep the body for upcoming movements. The plyometric exercises teach the body to absorb force, which translates to faster running. And the lower body and core exercises increase the power of your engine.
- 12 Weeks. One new you in less than 20 minutes per session. You will power through those final miles!
Want to avoid the late race fade?
12 weeks. Less than 20 minutes per session.
Marathon Legs is for you.
Let’s get started.
Have a question? We’re here to help.

Marathon Legs FAQ
You can do the program at any time but if you have time, start the program 13 weeks before your goal race. The week before your race you will not have any routines to do so your legs are fresh and ready to go when you toe that start line! The program has two workouts per week, and I recommend doing those workouts on your hard run workout days AFTER your run. It’s okay to do it right after the run or later in the day. Give yourself at least 48 hours to recover in between Marathon Legs workouts.
All runners will benefit from completing this strength program, but I designed it especially for runners logging lots of miles who don’t have much time to hit the gym for hours every week.
Nope. The exercises I’ve included in this program are all essential for strong, injury-proof legs, no matter your experience level. The workouts get progressively harder with increased repetitions and sets each time you do it. And as you move through the routines the exercises build off one another and get more challenging. That’s why it’s important to follow the plan as I’ve laid it out and not skip around through the workouts.
Yes, absolutely! For workouts 1, 2, and 3, you should extend the routine for three weeks so you do each workout a total of 6 times instead of 4. This will give you a 15-week program with one week to taper before your race.
No problem! Start Marathon Legs now and go through all 12 weeks of the program. Rest for 2-3 weeks, and then restart the program when you are 13 weeks out from your goal race. You will already have had exposure to the exercises so your legs won’t get as sore the second time around. Since you are stronger you can go slower on the eccentrics and produce more power with the plyometrics. This means you will get just as much out of it as the first time around, if not more!
At first, your runs may feel a bit sluggish as the body adapts to the new routine but after a few weeks, you will notice faster recovery from workouts, more pop in your stride, and less fading at the end of long runs. Trail runners and those doing races with lots of vert will see a big jump in their hill climbing power, and descending long hills won’t beat up the quads as much.
This is normal in the beginning! The soreness should go away after 2-3 days and usually feels better after an easy run. As your muscles get stronger and adapt to the program you will get less sore each time. My favorite trick to help reduce soreness is taking an Epsom salt bath!
Ask your doctor or physical therapist first, but if you have any current leg/foot injuries I’d recommend holding off until those are healed. This program contains plyometrics, which means you’ll be jumping and absorbing force in your feet and legs. Plyos are safe for healthy runners but might cause an existing niggle to get more irritated.
Definitely! You’ll notice less soreness, more stability, and way more power out of the plyometrics the second (or third, or fourth…) time around. You can also increase the repetitions, add moderate weights, or slow down the eccentric movements to increase the challenge. Don’t forget, I’m always available to answer your questions about how to adapt the program to your life!

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